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Soul Blend

Essential oils lovingly, respectfully and skillfully blended together to represent a mirror image of an individual’s soul print. These very special blends are designed to elicit a ‘spiritual-soul’ response and will therefore work on a very different level to classical aromatherapy.

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When I formulate a custom Soul Blend, my choices are, in part, informed by the many years I spent studying, and earning my Diploma in Dr. Bruce Berkowsky’s Spiritual PhytoEssencing™.

Dr. Berkowsky believes that all chronic disease, and to a great extent human unhappiness, is characterized by inertia or “stuckness”, and that disharmony on both physical and emotional levels emanates from a deep-seated central disturbance, which ripples outward to the more superficial planes of being. His basic premise is that the soul is the epicentre of this central disturbance. When the soul becomes distracted by the stresses and disturbances of the finite world it loses its connection with its Source. The essential oil custom blend is crafted in such a way that it will provide a nucleus of pure soul energy, for the individual human soul to find resonance with. As this happens perspectives can change, which in turn allows the individual human soul to align with their own true Soul Print. 

“Your soul print is your spiritual signature. It is the contour and content of your soul – its character.”
Marc Gafni

Soul Prints: Your Path to Fulfillment.

Each of us is born with our own unique Soul Print beautifully intact in our core self. As we face the challenges of living in the world and having to adapt to many different situations, a compensated self develops which no longer truly representative of our Soul Print.

The purpose of a carefully formulated Soul Blend is to create an environment that allows us to connect with our soul at a deep level. At this level, a new sense of self awareness and understanding can emerge.  Here the Soul Blend interfaces directly with the soul, providing it with support and courage so that, drawing on its own deep inner wisdom, the soul can make its own right choices.  As the compensated self finds more and more resonance with the true self, a deeper spiritual connection can be made.  An added bonus is that many physical, emotional and mental challenges can start to resolve as well. ​​

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The initial consultation will take approximately 2 hours and during this we will discuss all areas of life.  Armed with this information, I will spend time references all that has been discussed against the Materia Medica to come up with just the right Soul Blend formula.  Once the formula has been blended it will need time to properly marry and merge into a cohesive whole.   Only when this has happened is the blend ready to be bottled and delivered to the client along with suggestions for its use.  This process can take 10 - 14 days and will depend on the formula itself.

During the consultation, I simply record my observations without judgement, or any intention of trying to alter any pattern I notice.  Once armed with this information, it is time for me to do my research.  I will need to identify the major themes that are popping up (I usually work with up to 20 different themes for each blend), then I reference my own copious notes on the essential oils, as well as refer to the the Spiritual PhytoEssencing Materia Medica.  Once I have the possible essential oil choices listed under each theme, I spend time cross referencing and checking them.  What I am endeavoring to create, as accurately as I can, is a mirror image in essential oils, of the themes that I was able to observe during the consultation.   The final blend formula is complex, containing often more than 20 - 25 essential oils, not all of which will harmoniously meld well together.  It can take some time and skill to get the different essential oils in the blend 'to play nicely', but with patience and time they can, and the resulting alchemy is worth it.  

The First Blend is usually effective for around 9 months to 1 year, while Follow Up Blends can be effective for several years or more.

If you have any questions or need more information you can contact me directly HERE

You also have the opportunity to book directly on line HERE

The Soul Blend Consultation is available on Zoom or Google Meet.  It will be about 2 hours and Costs $500.00.

This includes the cost of the Soul Blend, but the cost for shipping the blend will depend on the actual cost and will be added to the price.  

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