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Akashic Records Consultation 

Is there a record of every emotion, feeling, idea or action that ever existed since the beginning of time?

Is there a field of information available that gives insight into future possibilities and probabilities?

Yes, there is  -  it is called the Akashic Records!

Pathway Prayer

According to Linda Howe: the Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “primary substance – that from which all things are formed.”  The primal energy which is the raw material of Life; the Akashic Light is our infinitely powerful, always present and loving companion that offers insights and guidance to activate the treasure of wisdom embedded in our Souls over lifetimes; and the Akashic Records are a treasury of wisdom, insights and Truths, accumulated over countless incarnations, inspiring and empowering us to use our human faculties for their highest potential; A dimension of Light.  The records are NOT an oracle for divination or a deity to be worshipped.


While accessing the Akashic Records may have become traditionally associated with mystics and psychics, in fact, everyone has the ability to, and can connect to the Akashic Records.  We can receive information through a dream, or during meditation, or that hunch or gut feeling that pops up.  It happens at times when we can get past our own unconscious and subconscious minds.  On the other hand, when we INTENTIONALLY use a Pathway Prayer we request the Lords of the Records, a group of Light Beings (nonphysical beings that are involved at every level of awareness) who work at the universal level and are responsible for maintaining the integrity and incorruptibility of the Akashic Records, to share the information we are seeking.  It is the Lords of the Records who decide whether sharing the requested information is beneficial currently.  If so, they will interface with our Masters, a group of Light Beings who work with individual souls from our inception; our Teachers, who may or may not have been in physical bodies, are here to help us learn a specific lesson and when we do they move on; and our Loved Ones, now deceased and committed to a particular soul’s growth and evolution, although they may not be connected to you on an emotional level and may not make themselves known to you.


One of the reasons why people consult their Akashic Records is because of the opportunity it provides to view things from the very different perspective of the soul.  Glimpsing the soul-level truth of ourselves helps us to recognize more easily, the choices, experiences, people, activities and other elements of life that will support our living in conscious alignment with who we truly are.  By viewing the past and present we are given insight into where we are on our journey, the lessons we have learned and are learning, as well as the dynamics behind our relationships.  The Akashic Records can also provide insight into what possibilities and probabilities lie in the future should certain choices be made.  Ultimately the individual always has free choice, and the future will therefore always depend on the choices that are made.   Each person’s individual Record consist of two parts.  The blueprint of their soul, which is immutable and never changes; and the dynamic story of their journey through time as a human being, which reflects their conscious evolution.  Accessing this information can provide valuable insight into the challenges and opportunities found on the journey through life.  People have consulted the Records to receive guidance; to understand themselves better; to heal emotions; to find forgiveness and to relax.


Because consulting the Akashic Records is very interactive and based on asking questions, it is important to ask the right sort of questions.  Asking questions that start with When don’t work well.  As the Akashic Records are eternal, Time is not particularly relevant here.  Asking questions that have a yes-or-no answer also don’t work well in the Records.  We must always remember that everyone has free will, and so ultimately the final choice is always up to them. 


Remember if you ask questions about other people in the Akashic Records, only questions that are in relationship to yourself will be answered.


The best questions to ask are those that answer the questions What, Why, or How.


Here are some examples: 


  1. Where would it be most beneficial for me to focus my energy today?

  2. What can I do to further develop myself spiritually?

  3. Where is my emotion of [anger, frustration, fear, sadness, etc.] coming from?

  4. Is there unresolved past life trauma related to my emotion of [anger, frustration, fear, sadness, etc.]?

  5. How can I overcome my unhealthy pattern of [fill in the blank]?

  6. Do I have unresolved karmic issues with my [spouse, father, mother, sibling, child, etc.]? If so, how can I heal them?

  7. How can I release the fear of change?

  8. Where does my pattern of self-sabotage really come from?

  9. What’s the past life experience that is most influencing me today?

  10. How can I improve my relationship with my [spouse, child, parent, sibling, etc.]?

  11. How can I open myself to receive greater abundance?

  12. What does my physical body need at this time? 

  13. What does my emotional body need at this time?

  14. What is my Soul purpose currently?  How can I live and express that purpose?

  15. Which area of my life needs the most attention and healing?

  16. How can I change my perspective and see what I need to see?

  17. Where (and how) am I abandoning myself?

  18. How can I improve my relationship with myself?

  19. What is the most aligned next step for me with my [business, career, relationship, health, project, etc.]?

  20. How can I come into greater alignment with my Spirit Guides and receive their messages clearly?

  21. What can I do right now to find peace, forgiveness, and healing?


As we access the Akashic Records with the Pathway Prayer, we call upon our Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones to help us see ourselves from their perspective.  This allows us to move into the Light and Energy of the Akashic Records, where we are bathed in the Light Energy of the Akasha, and just by being in the Akashic Energy, a switch which allows en-Lightenment to begin, is flipped.  Linda Howe says that by bathing in this energy and then receiving information we are allowed to ‘shed our dust’ and see our true selves in the Light of the Records.


Disclosure and Code


  • All readings are strictly confidential and will not be shared with a Third-Party.

  • The Akashic Records can only be opened when the person receiving the reading has requested a reading and given their permission.

  • The Akashic Records are not opened for anyone under 18 years of age.


If you have any questions or need more information you can contact me directly HERE

You also have the opportunity to book directly on line HERE


Akashic Records Consultations, available through Zoom or Google Meet, are 1 hour and cost $110.00.

Payment is through email transfer, or if you prefer, I can send you a PayPal Invoice.



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